Source code for pcapgraph.pcap_math

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright 2018 Ross Jacobs All Rights Reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
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"""Do algebraic operations on sets like union, intersect, difference."""
import collections
import os
import time

from pcapgraph.manipulate_frames import strip_layers
from pcapgraph.manipulate_frames import get_flat_frame_dict
from pcapgraph.manipulate_frames import get_frame_list_by_pcap
from pcapgraph.manipulate_frames import get_frame_from_json
from pcapgraph.save_file import convert_to_pcaptext
import pcapgraph.save_file as save

[docs]class PcapMath: """Do algebraic operations on sets like union, intersect, difference. For multiple set operations, files are read in only once in __init__. Use different PcapMath objects if input files are different. """ def __init__(self, filenames, options): """Prepare PcapMath object for one or multiple operations. Every PcapMath object should start with the data structures filled with the data that each operation needs to function. Args: filenames (list): List of filenames. options (dict): Whether to strip L2 and L3 headers. """ self.filenames = filenames self.pcap_json_dict = strip_layers(filenames, options) pcap_json_list = [*self.pcap_json_dict.values()] self.frame_timestamp_dict = get_flat_frame_dict(pcap_json_list) self.frame_list_by_pcap = [] self.exclude_empty = False self.options = options
[docs] def parse_set_args(self, args): """Call the appropriate method per CLI flags. difference, union, intersect consist of {<op>: {frame: timestamp, ...}} bounded_intersect consists of {pcap: {frame: timestamp, ...}, ...} Args: args (dict): Dict of all arguments (including set args). Returns: filenames (list): List of all files, including ones generated by set operations. """ new_files = [] bounded_filelist = [] intersect_file = '' self.exclude_empty = args['--exclude-empty'] if args['--difference']: generated_file = self.difference_pcap() # As long as the difference exists. if generated_file: new_files.append(generated_file) if args['--intersection']: intersect_file = self.intersect_pcap() new_files.append(intersect_file) if args['--symmetric-difference']: generated_filelist = self.symmetric_difference_pcap() new_files.extend(generated_filelist) if args['--union']: generated_file = self.union_pcap() new_files.append(generated_file) if args['--bounded-intersection']: bounded_filelist = self.bounded_intersect_pcap() new_files.extend(bounded_filelist) if args['--inverse-bounded']: if not intersect_file: intersect_file = self.intersect_pcap() generated_filelist = self.inverse_bounded_intersect_pcap( bounded_filelist=bounded_filelist, intersect_file=intersect_file) if not args['--intersection']: os.remove(intersect_file) new_files.extend(generated_filelist) # Put filenames in a different place in memory so it is not altered. filenames = list(self.filenames) filenames.extend(new_files) return filenames
[docs] def union_pcap(self): """Given sets A = (1, 2, 3), B = (2, 3, 4), A + B = (1, 2, 3, 4). About: This method uses tshark to get identifying information on pcaps and then mergepcap to save the combined pcap. Returns: (string): Name of generated pcap. """ raw_packet_list = [] for pcap in self.pcap_json_dict.values(): for frame in pcap: raw_frame = get_frame_from_json(frame) raw_packet_list.append(raw_frame) self.print_10_most_common_frames(raw_packet_list) union_frame_dict = {} for frame in raw_packet_list: union_frame_dict[frame] = self.frame_timestamp_dict[frame] save.save_pcap( pcap_dict=union_frame_dict, name='union.pcap', options=self.options) return 'union.pcap'
[docs] @staticmethod def print_10_most_common_frames(raw_frame_list): """After doing a packet union, find/print the 10 most common packets. This is a work in progress and may eventually use this bash: <packets> | text2pcap - - | tshark -r - -o 'gui.column.format:"No.", "%m","VLAN","%q","Src MAC","%uhs","Dst MAC","%uhd","Src IP","%us", "Dst IP","%ud","Protocol","%p","Src port","%uS","Dst port","%uD"' Alternatively, just use the existing information in pcap_dict. The goal is to print frame#, VLAN, src/dst MAC, src/dst IP, L4 src/dst ports, protocol This should likely be its own CLI flag in future. Args: raw_frame_list (list): List of raw frames """ packet_stats = collections.Counter(raw_frame_list) # It's not a common frame if it is only seen once. packet_stats = {k: v for k, v in packet_stats.items() if v > 1} sorted_packets = sorted( packet_stats, key=packet_stats.__getitem__, reverse=True) counter = 0 for packet in sorted_packets: counter += 1 if counter == 10: break packet_text = convert_to_pcaptext(packet) print("Count: {: <7}\n{: <}".format(packet_stats[packet], packet_text)) print("To view the content of these packets, subtract the count lines," "\nadd and save to <textfile>, and then run " "\n\ntext2pcap <textfile> out.pcap\nwireshark out.pcap\n")
[docs] def intersect_pcap(self): """Save pcap intersection. First filename is pivot packet capture. Returns: (str): Fileame of generated pcap. """ # Generate intersection set of frames if not self.frame_list_by_pcap: self.frame_list_by_pcap = \ get_frame_list_by_pcap(self.pcap_json_dict) frame_list = self.frame_list_by_pcap frame_intersection = set(frame_list[0]).intersection(*frame_list[1:]) # Print intersection output like in docstring intersection_count = len(frame_intersection) print("{: <12} {: <}".format('\nSAME %', 'PCAP NAME')) for pcap in self.filenames: same_percent = str( round(100 * (intersection_count / len(frame_list[0])))) + '%' print("{: <12} {: <}".format(same_percent, pcap)) intersect_frame_dict = {} for frame in frame_intersection: intersect_frame_dict[frame] = self.frame_timestamp_dict[frame] save.save_pcap( pcap_dict=intersect_frame_dict, name='intersect.pcap', options=self.options) if frame_intersection: return 'intersect.pcap' print('WARNING! Intersection between ', self.filenames, ' contains no packets!') return ''
[docs] def difference_pcap(self, pivot_index=0): """Given sets A = (1, 2, 3), B = (2, 3, 4), C = (3, 4, 5), A-B-C = (1). Args: pivot_index [int]: Specify minuend by index of filename in list Returns: (string): Name of generated pcap. """ pcap_json_list = [*self.pcap_json_dict.values()] minuend_pcap_json = pcap_json_list[pivot_index] minuend_name = self.filenames[pivot_index] # pcap json list - minuend json. With index 0, remove 1st pcap json. diff_pcap_json_list = pcap_json_list[:pivot_index] + \ pcap_json_list[pivot_index+1:] minuend_frame_dict = get_flat_frame_dict([minuend_pcap_json]) minuend_frame_list = list(minuend_frame_dict.keys()) diff_frame_dict = get_flat_frame_dict(diff_pcap_json_list) diff_frame_list = list(diff_frame_dict.keys()) packet_diff = set(minuend_frame_list).difference(set(diff_frame_list)) diff_frame_dict = {} for frame in packet_diff: # Minuend frame dict should have all values we care about. diff_frame_dict[frame] = minuend_frame_dict[frame] diff_filename = 'diff_' + os.path.basename(minuend_name) # Save only if there are packets or -x flag is not used. if not packet_diff: print('WARNING! ' + minuend_name + ' difference contains no packets!') if packet_diff or not self.exclude_empty: # If the file already exists, choose a different name. unique_diff_name = diff_filename while os.path.isfile(unique_diff_name): unique_diff_name = diff_filename[:-5] + '-' + \ str(int(time.time())) + '.pcap' save.save_pcap( pcap_dict=diff_frame_dict, name=unique_diff_name, options=self.options) return unique_diff_name return ''
[docs] def symmetric_difference_pcap(self): """For sets A = (1, 2, 3), B = (2, 3, 4), C = (3, 4, 5), A△B△C = (1, 5) For all pcaps, the symmetric difference produces a pcap that has the packets that are unique to only that pcap (unlike above where only one set is the result). Returns: (list(str)): Filenames of generated pcaps. """ generated_filelist = [] for index, file in enumerate(self.filenames): diff_filename = self.difference_pcap(pivot_index=index) if diff_filename: # If diff file has packets. symdiff_filename = 'symdiff_' + os.path.basename(file) os.replace(diff_filename, symdiff_filename) generated_filelist.append(symdiff_filename) return generated_filelist
[docs] def bounded_intersect_pcap(self): """Create a packet capture intersection out of two files using ip.ids. Create a packet capture by finding the earliest common packet by and then the latest common packet in both pcaps by Returns: (list(string)): Filenames of generated pcaps. """ # Init vars bounded_pcaps = self.get_bounded_pcaps() names = [] # Names of all generated pcaps for index, _ in enumerate(bounded_pcaps): names.append('bounded_intersect-simul' + str(index + 1) + '.pcap') save.save_pcap( pcap_dict=bounded_pcaps[index], name=names[index], options=self.options) return names
[docs] def inverse_bounded_intersect_pcap(self, bounded_filelist=False, intersect_file=False): """Inverse of bounded intersection = (bounded intersect) - (intersect) Args: bounded_filelist (list): List of existing bounded pcaps generated by bounded_intersect_pcap() intersect_file (string): Location of intersect file. Returns: (list(string)): Filenames of generated pcaps. """ generated_filelist = [] has_bounded_intersect_flag = False if not bounded_filelist: # Don't generate twice if flags -be are used # Note that this runs after bounded_intersect if it would be run bounded_filelist = self.bounded_intersect_pcap() has_bounded_intersect_flag = True backup_filenames = self.filenames for index, bi_file in enumerate(bounded_filelist): self.filenames = [bounded_filelist[index], intersect_file] self.pcap_json_dict = strip_layers(self.filenames, self.options) pcap_json_list = [*self.pcap_json_dict.values()] self.frame_timestamp_dict = get_flat_frame_dict(pcap_json_list) difference_file = self.difference_pcap() if difference_file: generated_filelist.append(difference_file) if has_bounded_intersect_flag: # Do not keep bounded-intersect files if they are not necessary os.remove(bi_file) # Intersect is only used for comparison, so delete it when done. self.filenames = backup_filenames return generated_filelist
[docs] def get_bounded_pcaps(self): """Get the pcap frame list for bounded_intersect_pcap Create a bounding box around each packet capture where the bounds are the min and max packets in the intersection. Returns: bounded_pcaps (list): A list of frame_dicts """ min_frame, max_frame = self.get_minmax_common_frames() bounded_pcaps = [] # Each frame_list corresponds to one pcap. for frame_list in self.frame_list_by_pcap: min_frame_index = -1 max_frame_index = -1 for frame in frame_list: if frame == min_frame: min_frame_index = frame_list.index(frame) break if min_frame_index == -1: print("ERROR: Bounding minimum packet not found!") raise IndexError for frame in reversed(frame_list): if frame == max_frame: max_frame_index = frame_list.index(frame) break if max_frame_index == -1: print("ERROR: Bounding maximum packet not found!") raise IndexError bounded_frame_list = \ frame_list[min_frame_index:max_frame_index + 1] bounded_pcap_with_timestamps = {} for frame in bounded_frame_list: bounded_pcap_with_timestamps[frame] = \ self.frame_timestamp_dict[frame] bounded_pcaps.append(bounded_pcap_with_timestamps) return bounded_pcaps
[docs] def get_minmax_common_frames(self): """Get first, last frames of intersection pcap. Returns: min_frame, max_frame (tuple(string)): Packet strings of the packets that are at the beginning and end of the intersection pcap based on timestamps. Raises: assert: If intersection is empty. """ # Generate intersection set of frames if not self.frame_list_by_pcap: self.frame_list_by_pcap = \ get_frame_list_by_pcap(self.pcap_json_dict) frame_list = self.frame_list_by_pcap frame_intersection = set(frame_list[0]).intersection(*frame_list[1:]) # Set may reorder packets, so search for first/last. unix_32bit_end_of_time = 4294967296 time_min = unix_32bit_end_of_time time_max = 0 max_frame = '' min_frame = '' for frame in frame_intersection: frame_time = float(self.frame_timestamp_dict[frame]) if frame_time > time_max: time_max = frame_time max_frame = frame if frame_time < time_min: time_min = frame_time min_frame = frame # If min/max frames are '', that likely means the intersection is empty assert max_frame != '' assert min_frame != '' return min_frame, max_frame