
Python is not the only language being used for network automation but the combination of being an easy to learn language with many code samples and utilities has made it a go-to language for network engineers.

—Cisco DevNet

Prerequisites: Wireshark

  • These package managers have it in their repositories: apt, dnf, pacman, brew, choco, ...
  • To download and install precompiled binaries, visit Wireshark’s website.

Installing PcapGraph

-> Install PcapGraph with Python pip

pip install --user pcapgraph
  • This project requires python3.5 or later. pip is bundled with Python starting with python3.4.
  • You can check your version of Python with python -V in a terminal.
  • To download and install precompiled Python binaries, visit python’s website.
  • macOS comes with Python 2.7 by default. If installing python separately, make sure to add alias 'python=python3' to your .bashrc.

-OR- Install from source

git clone
cd pcapgraph
make install

-OR- Use the standalone executable

Download the latest executable for your OS from the releases page and run:



Using an executable will have startup lag when PyInstaller extracts required files to a temporary folder.

Install Errors


These are some misconfiguration errors I came across during testing on Ubuntu. If you have trouble installing, please create an issue.

_tkinter not installed

On ubuntu, you may need to install the python3-tk package to use the tkinter parts of matplotlib.

ImportError: cannot import name ‘multiarray’

If you have versions of numpy or matplotlib that were installed on different minor versions of python, you may need to reinstall both.

python -m pip uninstall -y numpy matplotlib
python -m pip install --user numpy matplotlib

Testing Install

Test whether pcapgraph is working:

pcapgraph -V